Watch my quick video tutorial on how to use the music request system.
Please look through my exorbitant list of music to select songs for your event. My database has well over 85,000 titles in the list
Keyword Searching:
- Searching for songs is fast and easy. You can enter all or part of an artist or song title using the search fields. Then press the SEARCH button to display matching results. Press the CLEAR button at anytime to clear the search fields. You can also use the radio buttons to select how you would like the results sorted; either by artist or song title. If you don’t know the exact spelling of a song title or artist, just enter one word you know for sure is in the name. The search engine will return all songs or artists containing that word.
Most Requested Songs:
- These lists are dynamically compiled based on online requests made over the past year at thousands of events around the world, where #1 is the most requested song. Click on a song title to search for this song and add it to your request list!
Select a List/Dance:
Top 200 | Top 1960’s | Top 1970’s | Top 1980’s | Top 1990’s | Top 2000’s
Bride & Groom | Bride & Father | Groom & Mother | Bridal Party | Bouquet | Garter | Cake Cutting | Introductions
Top 200 | Top 1960’s | Top 1970’s | Top 1980’s | Top 1990’s | Top 2000’s
Bride & Groom | Bride & Father | Groom & Mother | Bridal Party | Bouquet | Garter | Cake Cutting | Introductions
- The browse features allow you to browse through the music catalog. This is a great option if you don’t know the spelling of an artist or song title or just want to browse through the catalog to see what’s available. You can browse all artists or song titles beginning with a particular letter, or just click the “artists” or “songs” links to display all artists or songs in the entire catalog. You can press the “Top 200 Songs” button at anytime to view a list of the most requested songs of the past 12 months.
Search Filters:
- Optional search fields may be available to help narrow your search. To apply a filter, select it from the drop-down list. The search filter will be applied to ALL searches performed from then on until you press the Remove Filter button. So if you apply a filter and then use the browse links, the results will be filtered appropriately.
Search Results:
- The results of your search are displayed in alphabetical order, sorted by the field you choose when searching. Up to 50 entries are displayed per page. If there are more than 50 entries, a NEXT link will appear at the bottom right of the search results box. Once you click through to the next page you will notice that a PREVIOUS link will appear to the bottom left of the search results box. When you get to the last page of results, the NEXT link will disappear. Pressing the New Search button in the upper right of the search results box will clear your entire search.
Audio Samples:
- Next to each artist/song title you will notice a speaker icon. To listen to an audio sample (avg 20sec), simply click this icon. A pop-up window will open and the system will have automatically searched an online music site for that particular artist and song title. The page you will see when the pop-up window opens will contain a listing of albums which contain the desired artist and song. Click on an album and the next page will contain a song listing of songs on that album. Locate the desired song and click on it to begin playing the audio sample.
Create Request List:
- You can easily create a custom request list for your event using the three colored buttons next to each song in the search results. You will see a green button, yellow button and red button, each labeled “ADD”. Pressing the green button will automatically load that song into your “Must Play” request list. Pressing the yellow button will automatically load that song into your “Play if Possible” request list. Pressing the red button will automatically load that song into your “Do Not Play” list.
Custom Songs:
- There is a possibility that you desire a song that is not in the catalog. You can still add these songs to your request list, in a special “Custom” category. After you submit your list, please contact regarding the availability of such songs. To add a song to your “Custom” request list, press the Custom Song button in the upper right corner of the search results box. This will load a window that prompts for the title and artist. Please try all methods of searching and browsing to ensure the song is not contained in the music library before adding it to your custom request list.
My Request Lists:
- As you add songs to your request lists they will appear in this box. The requests will be listed alphabetically in sections for each list. It will also tell you how many songs you’ve selected and the approximate elapsed time of such requests. You can press the red button labeled “REM” at anytime to remove that song from your list. If you would like to switch the song to a different request list, simply search for it and press the appropriate request list button next to the song. It will automatically be removed from the one list and added to the other.
Note Feature:
- Next to each song in your request list you will see a blue button titled “NOTE”. This button will load a window that has information for attaching a note to this song. For example, you can specify that songs be used for certain dances, such as a bride & groom first dance. You can specify when a song should be played, or even who it should be dedicated to. The options are endless. This is a free-form field that will be displayed next to the song in the request list the DJ receives. So enter whatever you want and be specific.
Save/Load My List:
- Creating a request list can be an exhausting and time consuming process. For this reason you can save your list for later progress. Simply press the Save My List button in the upper right corner of the request list box. This will load a window prompting you for your email address. Upon entering your email address your list will be saved and the main page will be refreshed. Your requests will now be stored for up to 12 months. To load a previously saved list, press the Load My List button in the upper right corner of the search box. This will load a window prompting you for your email address. Upon entering your email address your saved list will be loaded and the main page will be refreshed, now showing your request list. Feel free to make progress and save your list again. You will be provided with another 12 months of save time. Save often just in case your computer crashes.
Print Features:
- Using these buttons you can print your song lists for your own records. You can search for songs and print the results. You can also print a hard copy of your request lists. Note that upon submitting your request lists electronically, you can set it to email you a copy as well.
Submit My List:
- When you’re done creating your custom request list press the Submit My List button to electronically submit your list. You will be presented with a series of forms that allow you to customize the other details of your event. This information must be submitted at the time you fill it out, there is no save option. So wait until you’re completely done creating your request lists and then submit all the information at once. A representative will contact you to discuss and finalize all the details.