grooms lineupWhat are you doing for your Rehearsal Dinner? Many people forget that the Rehearsal Dinner is actually the very first family gathering of every highly anticipated wedding celebration. The package that Kyle puts together is truly unlike any other. It involves three extremely important elements needed for a great get together. First is the ceremony walk-through. Kyle is an expert in directing wedding ceremony rehearsals. Second is the after dinner oration where he will share unique ways that the wedding party can assist the guests of honor by being great ambassadors to the wedding as well as give a little overview of what to expect at the ceremony & reception the next day. Lastly, it’s time for some fun as Kyle will host the “Bride & Groom Trivia Challenge” and “Pre-Newlywed” games. This will allow everyone to celebrate together for a relaxing and hilarious time after dinner.

This package is available with or without other services and is an exclusive product offered only by Kyle Brown himself. Kyle is a Wedding Entertainment Designer.